domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013



In the diphthongs there are two vowels produced consecutively in the same syllable by moving the articulators smoothly from the position of one to the other.

1. “It is pronounced with the tongue back and low in the oral cavity, the mandible moves from an open to a more closed position and the lips are unrounded”.

 2.    It is pronounced when the tongue begins back and low in the oral cavity, so the mandible elevates during sound production”.


3.    It is pronounced when the tongue is in a low-mid back position to a mid-high position, then the lips move from a rounded position and the mandible is relatively in a neutral position, so the vocal folds vibrate”.


4.    It is pronounced when the tongue is behind the lower teeth in the oral cavity, also the mouth adopts a lower middle position.”


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